Vanesa R.A lives in Spain with her husband and 2 children
read about their daily rituals, favourite things and how do they care for the environment and their community

1. How do you start the day?
I have very good awakening, always in a good mood, but I also love to wander in bed, during the week I usually jump from my bed to that of my children to be able to enjoy a few more minutes and wake up between kisses and hugs, they love that it puts me in his bed. On weekends they are more relaxed, I also agree with my partner in the awakening. As children wake up, they come to our bed, it's a moment of care, relaxed conversation ... I love that moment
2. How do you end the day?
We all have dinner together and I put my children to bed early, now is my time, I usually think. But when I rest my head on the sofa, I fall exhausted. I know how many movies start but I almost never know how they end...
3. What are the favorite activities for the whole family to do together?
Without a doubt, being in contact with nature, discovering new places aboard our van is the best plan. we love having the world for a garden
4. What is important to you when you buy your kids ́ clothes?
For me it is very important how it is manufactured, we bet on natural fibers, another important factor is that it is respectful in all its processes, both in the impact with the environment, and the conditions in which it was manufactured. We prefer fewer garments but aware of why they are the ones we want
5. Do you pass-on your kids’ clothes once they outgrow them?
Of course, giving another life, not only to clothes, but to all the material objects that surround us, is part of our philosophy of life
6. And do you use hand-me downs for your kids?

1. City?
I am more of a town, life is calmer and contact with nature is daily.
Visiting, I loved Paris
2. Plant?
It is impossible for me to choose just one, nature offers us so much diversity... I prefer the ones from my garden. I find it very gratifying to grow our own food and live the whole process. Special mention for tomato plants
3. Animal?
I adore dogs, our furry family is always unconditional
and I also have a weakness for marine animals, observing them in their midst, in silence, the blue, the closest thing to flying
4. Planet?
the earth
5. Time of year?