Mileva´s is family of 5 living in Madrid, Spain
Read about their daily rituals, favourite things and how do they care for
the environment and their community
PHOTOS BY @milevajevremovitch
1. How do you start the day?
When the alarm beeps, I always snooze for a few minutes and in Spanish we say Remolonear with my kids in bed, rare is the day I wake up with at least two of my kids laying by me side. In summer there’s no alarm so we can stay longer chatting. Then we have breakfast together before going to school, it’s a big mess and we are always in a hurry, but meals together are a must at home, it’s a legacy from my parents: we used to share breakfast, lunch and dinner daily.
How do you end the day?
With some nice music and cuddles The kids play cello and for many years I used to play theirs Suzuki cello songs while they were falling asleep, now they prefer some tranquilo music, I had a list in Spotify called Feel and they always ask me to play it at night time and lay beside them until they fall asleep
4.How do you pack your kids´ clothes for summer holidays? Any tips or tricks?
When we travel for a week or so, I pack clothes by looks matching colours or textures for the kids, we used to match naturally, I dress up myself and I end up dressing the kids in the same colour palette. As they grow up, I let them choose to define their style and personality
1.Summer destination
Costa Brava
2. Childrens books to read during summer holidays
there’s always photography books on our coffee table, so that even with a quick look something inspiring gets into their memories. Last summer I got a big History Map book, and we used to nose around and read a bit in the mornings before going to the sea
3.Your family’s favorite food in the summer
Gazpacho and Rice Salad