Gemma's is family of 4 living in Valencia, Spain, surrounded by pine trees
Read about their daily rituals, favourite things and how do they care for the environment and their community
PHOTOS BY @gemma.delhoyo

1. How do you start the day?
We love the freedom of the weekends when you wake up late and the day starts slowly with a very long breakfast. The kids play, read or just relax doing nothing while we practice yoga. Sometimes they join us.2.
How do you end the day?
The day ends after playing endlessly with friends outdoors or we go for a bike ride.
3. What are the favorite activities for the whole family to do together during summer holidays
During our summer holidays we usually choose 'kids friendly' destinations. Countries where kids are treated the same or better than adults and where the cities are also designed thinking of them. We also love nature and its simplicity to enjoy it with the kids. Most big cities are tough to walk with them while they’re little. We love renting a motorhome and enjoy the days looking for new adventures.
Without a doubt, being in contact with nature, discovering new places aboard our van is the best plan. we love having the world for a garden
4.How do you pack your kids´ clothes for summer holidays? Any tips or tricks?
Each child has their own suitcase that they adore and they pack their own things. They don’t need many clothes. They get their favorite pieces and they leave a lot of space for their toys and books.

1.Summer destination
My favorite summer destination is Formentera. It’s so close to us but it seems that you are in the other side of the world. You disconnect immediately once you get there.
2.Childrens books to read during summer holiday
I love reading with them 'Viajar sin prisa’ by Carl Honoré (‘It’s the journey not the destination’) which is a book that inspires you to travel slow to really connect with the world. They enjoy finding new routes every night before getting to bed.
3.Your family’s favorite food in the summer
We like to eat simple with a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. Our summer favorite is ‘gazpacho’, a cold vegetable soup that the kids can easily prepare and drink proudly. And of course, we love pasta and pizza during the summer and the whole year.